Collaboration in the workplace is key!
It is no secret that technology has transformed the way we work. Some people would question whether it is for the better, but here at Accrue Workplaces we believe that it is. Thanks to mobile technology, it is easier than ever before for people to get up from their desks and collaborate anywhere in the workplace.
In the age of technology, we have seen an up rise in free lancers, start-ups and SME’s, who do not suit the traditional office workspace. With coffee shops and space at home both limited and lacking inspiration, coworking serviced office spaces have been born. At Accrue Workplaces, we have a variety of membership packages available to suit many different business needs, as well as variety of working areas.
The link below shows the different membership packages we have available:
Testimonial from Stuart Brameld, CEO & Founder of Digital Elite.
“I decided to move from my home office to Accrue at the start of the year and it’s been fantastic. The space is incredibly well designed and maintained, and it’s great to be surrounded by other small business founders to share ideas and learn from. There is a level of business maturity, expertise and experience that I haven’t found at other co-working spaces, and this helps everyone raise their game. If you enjoy the outdoors the weekly fitness class is a great way to break-up your day, and the surrounding areas and commons offer fantastic trail running and cycling. I’d highly recommend giving it a try.”
Collaboration is not only good for business morale and engagement, but it is extremely beneficial for the company, as new business partnerships or work may stem from a conversation. The more opportunities people have at work to collaborate, the more likely it is that innovative new ideas will be born. Not only this but extra revenue for businesses could be earnt, through referrals or working alongside another business from the same co-working serviced office space. You never know someone in your office may be looking for a company that offers a service very similar to your own!
A casual conversation whilst getting a cup of coffee, could easily spark an idea that solves a problem. In 2012 a study by Salesforce revealed that, 86% of people they surveyed said that lack of collaboration or ineffective communication resulted in workplace failures.
The transition away from cubicles and private offices to open layouts have been a step in the right direction. Placing desks in an open area, still allows people to work by themselves, but makes it easy for people to talk to others around them.
Sometimes, you get so caught up in your work that it’s easy to forget to get up and move around, let alone chat or collaborate with your co-workers. If to collaborate, it’s important to get up and talk to your fellow co-workers. Café Accrue is a popular gathering place at Accrue Workplaces, both to socialize and work. The more casual, laid-back atmosphere can have massive impact when trying to generate new ideas!
Here at Accrue Workplaces we have created a premium co-working serviced office environment. Whilst taking into consideration the fact that people work in different ways. For us it is important that people can work effectively, here we allow for a balance of working styles. Afterall even the biggest extrovert in the office is going to occasionally need a quiet space, where they can be alone and focus on a task. Here at The Long Barn we have private soundproof telephone style boxes, an ad hoc meeting room, the business lounge, café area and various sized meeting rooms.
Many people’s working styles fall in between working alone at a desk to having a meeting in a conference room. At The Long Barn we feel that we accommodate for all types of working styles, our aim is to create a stimulating and inspirational workplaces for businesses to thrive.
At Accrue Workplaces not only do we accommodate all working styles, but we also offer social and business events for our members. Which is another perfect excuse to stop work, communicate and potentially collaborate with fellow co-workers