How to master your work-life balance by using office space in Oxshott.
Despite the majority of us working longer hours and with undoubtedly more efficient methods than ever before, most of us still struggle to find illusive balance between work and home life. Here’s how an office space in Oxshott could solve that problem.
Office space in Oxshott brings you closer to home.
With so much foreign investment, it’s true that most are now being priced out of the London property market, whilst the few who can afford it, often still opt to raise their families outside of the capital, within more leafy suburbs.
This ultimately means that regardless of your situation, the chances are, you will be commuting if you wish to benefit from the professional amenities that London has to offer. That said, with an office space in Oxshott, you would be able to more easily balance your work life and home life.
With a commute an average of 30 minutes plus, that is a 1 hour round trip, which is time that would be better served working on your business and by utilising an office closer to home, you can do just that, without having to sacrifice the school run or dinner with the family.
Manage your energy, not your time!
With the rise in technology in recent years, there is no reason for working hours to be fixed. In addition to portable devices, cloud based storage and improved communication, workplace access and security technology like that employed in our office space in Oxshott, allow workers to work where they want, at whatever time they want.
Convenience, check! Now it’s time to consider your time management skills. Take conscious control of your short term and long term goals. Set targets and evaluate often. To do lists can be vital but none of this can be achieved without first ensuring you have the right environment. Our coworking office in Oxshott gives members access to a thriving and inspiring community.
Here’s a controversial one, manage your energy! For years, we have been taught that you aren’t going to succeed unless you are working 70 plus hour weeks. Of course, if you have the capacity to work at your optimum for this length of time then great but I’m willing to bet that you don’t.
Work clever, not smart. Ensure you are sleeping enough, eat well, approach meaningful tasks and meetings with the correct mindset and attitude. This can be done with an office space on Oxshott – closer to home.
1. Use a time tracking tool: this can be useful to gain an understanding of how long different tasks take, which will be vital when it comes to task lists with a specific longer term goal in mind.
2. Use your time tracking tool to monitor your work-life balance: You time is important. Whether it is sleep or spending time with the family, recognise the importance and ensure that you’re allocating enough time.
3. Join a local coworking space (like our office shared office space in Oxshott – shameless we know!): cut down on your commute, access top class facilities and surround yourself with likeminded people. This will enable you to take control of your daily schedule and find the right balance.
4. Clearly define urgent and important tasks: don’t get wrapped up dealing with important tasks, at the expense of urgent ones. Important tasks are important for your long term mission but urgent tasks such as dealing with clients will ensure you have the opportunity to meet long term goals.
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