Why Coworking works…
Working from home or taking your laptop to a coffee shop sure does sound like a dream, but the harsh reality is often a combination of distractions, a lack of motivation and little interaction with others. The alternative is coworking and this is why coworking works.
Over the past ten years, coworking has really taken off. A co-working space is a place that you can go to daily, sit down at a desk and work amongst like-minded people within a structured atmosphere. These spaces offer an office style environment that cultivates creativity and advances professional relationships, thus, leading to growth.
In a co-working space, you’ll find yourself surrounded with accomplished individuals who will soon become an extension or asset to your business.
Reciprocal business is often at the root of co-working relationships and companies at The Long Barn work with each other’s clients and customers by recommending each other’s services to their peers and connections.
For SME’s to survive in today’s tough climate, growth is important. Working within a co-working setting is motivating, inspiring and calming. Surrounding yourself with other entrepreneurs is bound to keep your ideas driven and dynamic. Scoping out clients through conversing with fellow members at The Long Barn increases profits and helps new skills be learnt.
At The Long Barn our members are busy working on their own passion projects and this buzz will drive you on to make your own business a success!